Hi, I’m Rob.
A trainer first and investor second who’s dedicated to helping unlock your true potential and engineer a life and business that will truly set you free, create happiness and fulfilment. Born and raised in the military, as well as spending 12 years as an RAF pilot myself, I was surrounded by rules, regulations and conformity. Despite this, I always had an unwavering belief that as humans we should be able to choose our destiny and we always have options we can make that will make us truly happy. So from walking out of Cambridge University in 1999 after just 10 days… To chucking in my RAF wings when I was at the very peak of my aviation career… I’ve always believed that happiness, fulfilment and potential comes from within, and we all have the ability and choice to put ourselves in the right environment and state for our own, unique desires.

There’s just one problem…
We’re all put under such pressure to perform and conform to an ideal that “society” thinks is the right path… Many of us trudge through life oblivious to what can really be achieved when you break free of whatever shackles are holding you back right now. And how quickly things can change when you implement some simple but fundamental principles to engineer the life you really deserve. To be honest, here’s never been a more exciting time to be a human. Yes - the modern world brings it’s unique set of challenges… But we ALL genuinely have the ability to create true wealth, health and happiness with nothing more than a laptop and a genuine desire to live every minute of your life to it’s full potential.
I’m not saying it’s easy. I don’t promise quick riches. But if you have the passion and commitment to really change your life - I guarantee that you can build a highly profitable asset base that will set you free. And that’s what I’m here to do. My biggest takeaway from my 12 years in the RAF was the importance of service. Then it was service to my country, now it’s service to other entrepreneurs who are looking to make a difference, however large or small, to others. Because I believe that true success is not measured in terms of the skewed metrics of the social media generation… Like how much cash you have in the bank, the watches you earn, cars your drive or even how many likes your last snap has got. True success should be measured by how much you are growing, contributing and are fulfilled by what you do. I set my self a purpose some time ago to help 10,000 investors to create financial independence, retire early and create generational wealth.

I called it the 100mil Club.
And right now, here, is our first step together, whether we connect through my free content or you make the step up to my paid for programmes and services… But before we go any further I want you to know that I’m just another entrepreneur like you, finding his way in the world. I have good days and bad days like everyone else, but I do commit that whatever I learn I will share them with you to help you navigate the pitfalls life and business and hopefully contribute to your own personal success. Because there is no shiny fairy tale out there - despite what some of the ‘gurus’ will have you think. There is just purpose, consistency, dedication and discipline. And if I can help you in any little way to build a life that you’re connected with - then that’s my job done. Thank you for spending a little time on my site and connecting, and I look forward to the journey ahead.
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Do you find yourself constantly worrying about what you should be doing to build your property business? If so, let's have a 45 minute strategy call to lay out your business, identify what's blocking you from taking the next step and cooking up a 12 month implementation plan to keep you on track...